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elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ [Nitcha Tothong (https://nitcha.info/) & Kengchakaj (https://kengchakaj.info/)] is a Bangkok-born, Brooklyn-based collaborative artist practice focusing on research that examines and decoded past histories by creating, using code, algorithm, multimedia, and technology to experiment, explore, and define decolonized possibilities. elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ is a Thai word that means dispersedly, chaos, entropy, and non-direction to break free our practices from being labeled through a Western lens.

elekhlekha has performed and exhibited in small communities, larger institutional spaces, and music festivals, including Barbican Centre(UK), Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden(Washington DC), CultureHub(NY), Rhizome(NY), Wonderfruit Festival (Thailand), Int-Act Festival 2022(Thailand), Wonderville NYC(as a part of LiveCode.NYC), Harvestworks(NY), Flux Factory(NY), New Inc’s Demo Festival 2024 at WSA(NY), Jamaica Center for the Arts & Learning(NY), The Jazz Gallery(NY).

elekhlekha was awarded The Lumen Prize Gold Award in 2022 for their first collaborative project, Jitr (จิตร.) The artists have received grants and development funds from NEW INC–New Museum, Rhizome, the Processing Foundation, the Institute for Electronic Arts(IEA), a City Artist Corps Grant, Queens Council on the Arts, and Babycastles for their projects. elekhlekha is former _____in-Residence  at Babycastles, members of NEW INC Y10 Art & Code **track, 2023–2024 Artist-in-Residence at CultureHub and Eyebeam Democracy Machine Fellows 2024. elekhlekha is currently the NEW INC Y11 Extended Realities track member.

Tothong is an interdisciplinary media artist, coder, and designer. Her work focuses on cross-medium pollination and the juxtaposition of digital/computational and analog that inform each other. Kengchakaj is an award-winning pianist, improviser, synthesist, and Collider Fellow at Lincoln Center. They’re currently based in Occupied Lenapehoking(Brooklyn, NYC), the unceded lands of the Lenni-Lenape and home to many Indigenous peoples past, present, and future.

Contact us: hi@elekhlekha.xyz

How to pronounce elekhlekha:

elekhlekha (ele _ khe _ kha ).m4a

Photography by Geoff Robertson.

Photography by Geoff Robertson.

elekhlekha Video Intro from DEMO2024.

elekhlekha Video Intro from DEMO2024.

artist statement

elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ is a collaborative research-based group consisting of Thai diaspora, Bangkok-born, Brooklyn-based artists, Nitcha Tothong (https://nitcha.info/) & Kengchakaj (https://kengchakaj.info/). We delve into subversive storytelling by exploring non-hegemonic sounds and visual archives, historical research–decoding, and unlearning biases. Our works span performing documents, multimedia, and technology centers to interrogate, experiment, explore, and define decolonized possibilities.

elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ is a Thai word that means chaos, dispersedness, entropy, and non-direction to break free our practices from being labeled through a Western lens.

Our works aim to investigate and unfold layers of Southeast Asia's political complexity through the continuity of oral & aural history and sound cultures' lineage. The juxtaposition of ancestors' knowledge and new aesthetics as algorithmic compositions reconfigured to a new context builds a new relationship, breaks the social expectation that sound cultures must be traditional, and carries the sounds to evolve and expand in the new context of algorithmic automation, generative, and finds possibilities derailing from consciousness.

Inspired by our struggle of unlearning and relearning–eliminating bias rendered by imperialism, classism, nationalism, patriarchy, and political layers of our history to reclaim agency, the long-lost innovation, reimagine the new process and mode of expression. We seek out non-binary, non-standard, and unconventional subjectivities –– the broad spectrum that should have always been in the spotlight. Many sound cultures have been constrained, and that suppression makes it hard for minority communities to resound and be heard. Our approach is to look into the past and present, honor non-dominant and suppressed histories, and experiment and search for an alternative future. Decolonization requires hacking the system, which is not made for us, but using its tools to tell our story with our own ideas to break through and liberate ourselves from that system.

full dossiers available upon request

elekhlekha | CV

Nitcha Tothong (Fame) Interdisciplinary artist, designer, and researcher she/they b.1987 www - nitcha.info @ - nitcha_dot_fame_at_gmail_dot_com

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ณิชชา โตทอง (เฟม) ศิลปิน, นักออกแบบ

Kengchakaj (Keng) Improviser, pianist, and electronics experimentalist he/him b.1989 www - kengchalkaj.info @ - hi_at_kengchakaj_dot_info

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เก่งฉกาจ (เก่ง) นักด้นสด, นักเปียโน, และ นักทดลองอิเล็กโทรนิคส์


2025 Surge • Jitr(จิตร)–extended gong(ฆ้อง)ensemble | Nublu, New York, US